As the military occupation of the Tamil homeland intensifies, recent developments highlight the deepening militarization under the Anura government. Despite hopes for change, the establishment of new “detention centers” disguised as military installations in the North and East signals otherwise.
On December 30, 2024, an extraordinary gazette notification signed by Sri Lanka’s Minister of Public Security, Ananda Wijeyapala, declared the Mullaitivu Air Force Base as a “detention center.” Effective December 31, this move raises significant concerns for Tamils in the region, further entrenching military control over civilian spaces.
The Mullaitivu Air Force Base, now functioning as a detention center, has already taken custody of 103 Myanmar refugees rescued by the Sri Lankan Navy in the Mullaitivu sea. Despite a court order for their placement in the Mirihana detention center, inadequate facilities there led to their transfer to Mullaitivu. This decision underscores how the Tamil homeland continues to be used as a tool for state policies, ignoring the will and welfare of its people.
Additionally, while Tamils have consistently demanded the removal of military camps in the North and East, these demands remain unmet. Instead, these camps are being repurposed as drug rehabilitation centers and detention facilities, further marginalizing the Tamil population.
This should be a wake-up call for Tamils who supported the JVP in the recent elections, expecting a government that would dismantle the military occupation and address historical injustices. Instead, what we see is a continuation of the same oppressive strategies that have long denied Tamils their rights and sovereignty.
We call on the international community and human rights organizations to take note of these developments and exert pressure on the Sri Lankan government to end the militarization of Tamil areas. Justice and accountability must prevail to ensure the Tamil people can live freely in their homeland.